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Dover Shores Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood watch is a system of neighbors helping neighbors to reduce crime. Individual block captains take the responsibility to keep an eye on houses near them watching for suspicious activity. The members of Dover Shores CERT have agreed to act as Neighborhood Watch block captains. We welcome anyone else who would like to participate. Send an email to the contact address at the bottom of this page.

Newport Beach Police Non Emergency Number: 949-644-3717

People involved in a crime or other emergency should always call 911 to report it. This will ensure that the nearest appropriate vehicle will be dispatched immediately to the scene. For residents who observe something suspicious, however, the Newport Beach Police non-emergency number 949-644-3717 may be a better choice. A call to this number goes to the Newport Beach Police dispatch rather than the county facility that handles 911 calls. Police dispatch can send an officer to investigate your report as soon as resources are available. When a suspicious person or vehicle is reported by a resident, the police are legal permitted to stop and question that person which they cannot legally do without such a report.


Coyote Smart Logo We live in a place where coyotes are a natural part of our environment. Nevertheless, they represent a threat to our pets and in rare cases a threat to people. The NBPD animal control department offers a variety of suggestions for protecting your pets (see links in sidebar). The most important thing that you can do if you see coyotes is to haze them: that is scare them off so they stay away from inhabited areas. Click here for an informative and amusing video on how to haze a coyote.

Newport Notified

Newport Notified is a web service used by the Newport Beach Police Department to report crimes and other events of interest to resident. You have to register your email and/or cell phone and you will receive reports that are relevant based on your address such as the sample here.