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Dover Shores CERT Meetings

The Dover Shores CERT team gets together quarterly on the 2nd Thursday at 7PM discuss recent CERT and Neighborhood Watch developments and practice our skills. Anyone is welcome to attend. In the summer we meet at Larry's Beach, 1108 Polaris DR, Newport Beach, CA.

In our meetings there is typically a handout containing an agenda and additional information. For the last several meetings we've been emailing notes about the materials presented at the meeting for people who missed it. This page has links to download the handout and notes, if any, for recent meetings.

Meeting Date Handout Notes Highlights
1/11/25 Handout Fire safety, evacuation, house hardening
12/10/20 Handout COVID-19 Update, Neighborhood Watch
9/10/20 Handout National Preparedness Month, Heat Related Illnesses, Bike Registration
6/11/20 Handout COVID-19 Update, Newport Ready Guide, NBPD web site
3/12/20 Handout COVID-19
3/14/19 Handout High rise safety, Highway 91 revisited, Infectious disease
11/8/18 Handout Hurricane Michael, liquefaction, pit toilets, package theft
9/13/18 Handout Notes Earthquake preparedness, crime prevention
5/10/18 Handout Preventing identity theft, CPR refresh
3/8/18 Handout Notes Radios, Zello, Faraday shield, home fire safety
1/11/18 Handout Notes Water storage, disaster radio station, club house ideas
11/9/17 Handout Notes Run hide fight, Puerto Rico, solar lanterns
9/7/17 Handout Notes Self defense, home security, Zello
7/13/17 Handout Notes Stop the bleed, dog attacks, war, Barricade
5/11/17 Handout Notes Home security checklist, downed power
3/9/17 Handout
11/10/16 Handout Berkeley Resilience Strategy
7/14/16 Handout First aid course
5/12/16 Handout ICS forms
4/14/16 Handout Drill planning
3/10/16 Handout Operations plan, communications
2/11/16 Handout Search and rescue